Monday, March 26, 2012

A week of digging, growing, and eating at the Village Farm! A reflection on week 1 by Eugene


(left to right) Chris, Suzie, Me, Kimberly, and Isabelle all triumphantly standing by our Garden.

There’s our team, look at how excited we all are! The enthusiasm we have for this farming is irradiating from our faces and rightfully so, as we delve down deeper into our operation to continue to provide healthy and nutritious vegetables for our entire school.


This is me (right), training some peas up a string so that they can grow tall and strong as they seek out the sun. Just look at all the amazing work we do here to keep a freshly sustainable garden!


But of course, there’s a lot of hard work that must be done first in order to make that creation! Chris and I spent almost the ENTIRE week just creating the rows for the flower beds, and we’re still not done!

Our efforts have finally paid off, that salad looks amazing! All our hard work and dedication into creating the components of this salad (right) is what brings full flavor to this delicious meal, which I’m sure we’ll be having many more times as the class goes on. As we have seen from week 1 the class spirit and motivation payoff as we farm here at Village School.


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