Welcome, back to the Village School Farm! We have broken ground on Monday March 19th! This early start was due in large part to the mild winter and early spring!
The Farming Course this spring is called "Microfarming"
The Microfarming Course is a ½ year Science/Practical Arts Elective Course at the Village School. The course will examine microfarming through authentic microfarming experiences (challenges) including, window farms, greenhouses, hoophouses, raised beds, container farming, and through traditional back-yard farming. To do this we will examine the basics of botany, organic agriculture, composting, the locavore movement, and the food habits of the United States consumer.

During the semester students will be working to build and maintain a sustainable Village School microfarm, both inside, outside and in-between! During these microfarming experiences we will record useful data and perform a variety of experiments. At the end of the semester students will present the results from their most scientifically significant experiment. By the end of the course students will have learned how to maintain an efficient microfarm for aesthetics or as a supplementary fresh food source.
The large-scale goal is to produce enough produce for the graduation party in June, to donate to local foodbanks, and to sell at a Village School Farmers Market!
Stay tuned for student Blog entries about their gardening adventures!
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